Prepare My House For Fall

ways to prepare for fall

This is the best time to check these and prepare my house for fall. So how about making a home checklist ?

Taking the time to make a list of items to check before we are sharing our homes with family and friends is a great way to have stress free time to visit the pumpkin patch, the local garden center to purchase mums, enjoy the cool air while having a pumpkin spice latte.

So get the tasks of home improvement taken care of early so you can get ready to add fall decorations with no concerns to your home and front porch!

Can you sense I am getting ready for the fall weather in my mind? I’m getting emails for fall candles such a pumpkin spice candles and pumpkin clove candles already just to name a few.

I know how can I be yearning for cooler days when it’s summer right? But after the summer we are having in NJ filled with overcast and very humid days I’m ready for it to end.

Prepare Your House In Fall For Cold Weather

Why in Fall?

Preparing your house for cold weather in the fall is important to ensure that you and your family stay warm and comfortable during the winter months. Here are some reasons why preparing your house in the fall for cold weather is essential:

  • Energy efficiency: A properly insulated and sealed home can save you a significant amount of money on heating bills during the winter months. Fall is the perfect time to inspect your windows, doors, and other areas for air leaks and to add weatherstripping or caulk where needed.
  • Prevent damage: Cold weather can cause damage to your home’s pipes, roof, and other structures. Taking preventive measures in the fall, such as insulating pipes and checking the roof for leaks, can help prevent costly repairs in the future.
  • Comfort: Preparing your home for the cold weather in the fall can help ensure that your family stays warm and comfortable during the winter months. This can help prevent illnesses and make your home a cozy place to be.
  • Safety: Preparing your home for cold weather can also help prevent accidents and injuries. For example, making sure that walkways and driveways are free of ice and snow can help prevent slips and falls.

In summary, preparing your house for cold weather in the fall is important for energy efficiency, preventing damage, ensuring comfort, and promoting safety.

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As an Amazon Associate and other Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you purchase something through any link, I may receive a small commission with no extra charge to you. All opinions are my own

Check the CO Detectors

Number 1: Carbon Monoxide Detectors

This is especially a good time to make sure detectors are working properly.

Especially because this is a silent killer and can have devastating consequences. Now is the time to get this taken care of before the winter months.

During cold weather we are busy getting ready for friends, family, fall decorating and everything festive for the fall months so do these 11 ways to make the home fall ready before things get busy.

Check Fire Detectors

Number 2: Make Sure the Smoke Detectors are in Working Order

Again it’s a good time to make sure these are working and have new batteries. Adding this to your fall home maintenance tasks is also important because during the cold season ahead especially Christmas trees will be in our houses. No one wants the horror of a fire.

It’s a Good Time to Check The Heat

Number 3: Look at the Heating System

Before the cold air arrives with the change of seasons make sure your heat is working correctly. You don’t want mother nature to share cold weather and the heat doesn’t work. So it’s a good time of year to give it a test run by turning the thermostat on to make sure it kicks on and is in working order.

This is also a great time to change the furnace filter for cleaner air inside the home. Besides the fact a dirty filter makes the furnace work harder then it needs to and adds to dust in the house.

Dust is bad enough to get rid of so we don’t want more to try and get rid of right? We all know that dust seems to appear the second after we clean our furniture. Am I right?

Checking for Drafts From Windows

Number 4: Drafts From Windows

Now is especially the perfect time to check drafty windows before the fall season. Particularly because the weather is warm enough to check for air leaks and make sure they are in good condition. You also may want to check this to prevent heat loss.

If you have drafty windows add new weather stripping, and get a window draft stopper from Amazon. Cover cracks with nail polish, and buy window and door insulating spray. By the way, we have used this product in our old home and it works great. It can be found at any home improvement store.

Also, check to make sure there’s no water damage from summer rains.

It also helps with heating bills and energy costs.

11 ways to prepare my house for fall

Look at the Roof

Number 5: Take a Look at the Roof

As an example, number five preparing my house for fall is an important task. Take a look at the roof for any loose or missing shingles. This may be the ideal time to hire a professional for safety reasons and to take a good look. This is also a cost-effective way to avoid costly repairs during or after the winter season..

Check the Gutters

Number 6: Look at the Gutters

It’s a good idea to take this off the fall maintenance check list and check your gutters. Make sure the gutters are attached well and are free of debris such as autumn leaves. This takes little time and can prevent winter damage from ice collecting on the roof and gutters.

As an example, we have one gutter where ice collects because of the lack of sun. So we added wire heating elements to this section of our roof to avoid costly winter damage.

It’s a Good Time to Check the Water Heater

Number 7: Check the Water Heater

Now is also the time to make sure to check number 7 to prepare my home for fall. And this is the age of your water heater and to make sure it’s not cracked anywhere. Make sure the water temperature feels right when showering and washing dishes.

Tip: Signs That You May Need a New Water Heater

  • Most water heaters last about a decade before they need to be replaced. However, if yours is past the 10-year mark you at least need to consider buying a new one.
  • The water heater is making strange noises. This tends to happen when they get older. Over time, sediment builds up and settles in the bottom of the tank. As a result, you may hear banging or rumbling noises in the heater.
  • This is a sign that you need to get a new hot water heater.
  • Also, check to see if there’s rust on the top of the unit. My husband is good and checks it when in the basement.
  • Lastly, if you see any puddles or water on the floor near the heater it needs to be taken care of immediately.
  • An exploding water tank makes a mess with flooding and happens at the worst times so add this to your fall maintenance checklist.

Remember to Turn the Outdoor Water System Off

Number 8: Turn the Sprinklers Off

Early fall is usually the best time to prepare my house for fall. Get the sprinkler system blown out and turned off. This also is the way to avoid winter damage in cold climates.

11 ways to prepare my house for fall chair with throw

Outdoor Water Spigot

Number 9: Turn off Outdoor Faucets

Before it gets too cold make sure to turn off outside faucets to prevent freezing. We also leave our exterior faucets open once the outside water is turned off.

Turn off your water supply valve. This is usually located next to the water meter in the basement or crawl space or garage. However your home may have two separate valves for the indoor and outdoor water supply, so make sure you’re turning off the correct one.

Also, remove any hoses or connections to your faucets and store them in the garage or basement for the season.

Next, my husband usually turns the faucet on full blast and lets it run until it trickles. This pushes out any excess water from the pipes, as well as other build-up in the pipe.

Once the water stops, turn the faucet back off, twisting it tightly.

We made the purchase of an insulation cover to place on our faucet to protect it from the snow and cold weather. You can find these at any home improvement store for little money.

Another Home Safety Tip Check In Trees

Number 10: Check the Trees Close to the House

While there are still warm days it’s a good time to check the trees close to the home. For example, make sure there are no loose tree branches that can fall and hit your home. This why these need pruning to prevent snow from snow or ice making them snap off and cause damage to the house.

Wrapping your trees provides a layer of protection that helps them fight off winter bark damage.

Placing mulch around your trees helps them retain moisture and reduce temperature extremes in the soil colder winter months. Also an important thing to keep in mind when mulching is to leave a 6-inch space between your tree and the mulch to discourage fungus growth on the trunk.

Autumn is the perfect time to give your trees by adding fertilizer to their soil. Slow-release fertilizer should help your trees throughout the winter as well as ward off damage, disease, and insects.

Fall is also a great time to plant. Cool late fall temperatures are perfect for stimulating root growth in new trees. On the surface, it might look like your tree is dying but below the ground, its roots become strong and go through a growth spurt in spring.

It’s also a great time to split perennial grasses and several bushes and transplant too. Be sure to fertilize and cover the growth well with mulch.

Check the Door

Number 11: Checking the Doors

There’s also no better time to check the front door and door frames for drafts. Namely, so heat isn’t being wasted because of small cracks and openings to let the heat out of your home. Lastly, having drafts come into your home isn’t efficient for heating and costs.

As an example, our attic gets extremely cold in the winter. Because a large draft enters the house we use this product under the door. It works for both sides, works extremely well, and is barely noticeable.

By the way, if you are looking for an easy project for the front porch this is perfect!

I hope you find this post on to prepare my house for fall helpful. We all want to make sure things in our homes are taken care of and there’s no better time then now.

11 ways to prepare my house for fallvarious nuts inside their shell on a small tray

Do these before the hustle and bustle of celebrating the colder season and the holidays. Especially because we are getting ready to spend time with family and friends.

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13 thoughts on “Prepare My House For Fall

  1. All great tips Cindy. Here in Illinois we have fire prevention and safety week in October each year and when we “fall back” in our time, set our clocks back an hour we check for winter safety and then in the Spring called “Spring Forward” when we put our clocks one hour forward we do all the safety check for the Spring and Summer months.

  2. Thanks for the tips! It’s a good idea to start getting ready for fall. We have had such a dry summer here in western Kentucky and now have gotten rain for several days in a row, I have finally gotten to turn my drip watering system off.

  3. Great checklist Cindy! I can’t think about fall yet, but I know it’ll be here before we know it. Best to be prepared!

  4. You’re so right Cindy, it’s the time and season to start thinking about the basic needs of our house. Good check list!

  5. Hey Cindy! I love the organized list you use to prepare your house for Fall! We do most of these items when the time changes, but you reminded me of a couple we should add! Thanks for the tips!

  6. This list is so helpful, Cindy, thank you so much for putting it together. You can never be too organized or prepared and I can’t wait to use this fabulous list. Hugs, CoCo

  7. Great advice here. Have just bought some extra smoke detectors which is reassuring.

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